Lonnie Elliott

Since 2021, I’ve been a freelance writer for Apple Services. My love of copy has led me to email sequences, house ads, product updates, and other wonderful things. Here’s the latest.


Apple News+ Subscriber Emails

The voice of Apple News is confidence with a smile. Rather than have a World Cup headline that says, “Unparalleled coverage of the world’s biggest event,” we search for the play on words with “Unmatched.” Similarly with “stars” in, “Entertainment news, starring your favorite publications.” Not everything we do needs to hit that bullseye completely, especally since finding those often takes more time than often we have for the project. But when it does, it’s a thrill.


Our designers pulled of a clever trick with this campaign. We needed to feature both magazines and newspapers in the art. The first thought is to use covers, but that presents a challenge with newspapers. Showing the front page doesn’t work. It looks dull and odd next to the bright magazines. The solve ended up featuring mastheads over recent photos for both the newspapers and magazines, giving the whole thing a stylish, cohesive look. It looked great and reminded me of a quote from Raymond Chandler: “The solution, once revealed, must seem to have been inevitable.”

Apple Music Classical Launch

Since 2022, a dedicated group of creatives had been navigating the launch of Apple’s entirely new app built for classical music. When I took over for a departing copywriter two months before the release, my role was to help make the tutorial film, which included cutting the script down from a three-minute read time to a 90-second piece. I also knocked much of the social copy and whatever else they needed. With my lifelong admiration of classical music that began in kindergarten, I was honored to be part of the project.

Apple News+ Digital

I don’t think most consumers understand digital ephemera like this is actually written by anyone. That’s why I love working on brand services. I’ve been that customer. I’ve been annoyed at this stuff when it’s not done well, and sometimes these are seen by tens and hundreds of millions of people. If I can make a paragraph a little smoother, a headline slightly clearer, a message a tad less disruptive, perhaps even welcoming and rewarding—the cumulative impact across all our customers is mind blowing.